A Woman’s Heart Health

Chicago resident Susan Bennett was 40 years old when she gave birth to her second child, a son. One night when Ben was three weeks old, she nursed him and put him back into his bassinet. When Ben started crying a few minutes later, she tried to get up, but fell back on the bed […]

5 Traits of Likable People

Are likable people naturally able to connect with others? Do they possess an innate confidence and charisma that draws people to them? Or can these qualities be developed and practiced?

8 Tricks to Calm Runaway Food Urges

What’s Causing Your Cravings? It’s a common assumption that cravings indicate a nutritional need (for example, a chocolate craving means your body needs magnesium). But while this explanation is appealing, the real story is more complicated, says Marcia Pelchat, Ph.D., a food cravings expert at the Monell Chemical Senses Center. It’s true that you’re more […]

Six Memory Joggers for Overloaded Brains

I confess that my memory is somewhat sketchy. While I rarely forget a friend’s birthday (thanks to Facebook!), I’m terrible with names. And then there’s the issue of my car keys, which I’m continually misplacing. Just ask my husband—he’ll tell you that sometimes I cheat and drive off with his set, leaving him the task of […]

Identify Your Character Strengths and Put Them Into Action

My sister Jenny loves to liven up dinner parties by having people go around the room and answer the question, “What is your superpower?” In other words, what is some quality that others know you for, even if it’s something seemingly useless or outrageous? Initially, there is an awkward pause when she turns to the […]

The Lazy Cook’s Guide to Healthy Eating

8 Ways to Save Time in the Kitchen and Eat Better Let’s face it: Healthful cooking takes work. We all know we should eat fewer processed foods and more fresh produce and whole grains. But it’s so much easier to grab a frozen dinner or a fast-food meal. With a little help from my friends, I’m […]

What’s the Right Exercise for Your Personality?

If you hate to exercise, it might be because you haven’t found the right activity for you. Grant Leitma, Ph.D., leads you through a series of simple questions to help you identity an exercise plan that matches your personality type. And just like that, you’ll know exactly what to do to make exercise a little more fun and a lot less dreadful.