What's In Your Water?

Have you ever seen the commercial for the Capital One credit cards? If you watch T.V., I’m sure you have. Anyways, in the commercial the person getting ready to make a purchase pulls out their credit card, and all of a sudden there are people trying to attack the credit-card user. Just as everything is about to break loose, it shows the person using a Capital One credit card and the crowd gives a big sigh of relief. Then the ever catchy phrase is spouted out: “What’s in your wallet?”

I’ve decided that the EPA or FDA needs to make a commercial like this regarding our water supply. Maybe it could go something like this. . . . A young girl is about to turn on the faucet to get a refreshing drink of tap water when, all of a sudden she’s being attacked by chemicals and drugs in her water. Luckily she’s saved by bottled water, and then this catchy phrase would chime: “What’s in your water?”

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Spring Ahead

SLEEP! I’m literally crying out for sleep. I don’t care about anything else but sleeping. I’m so exhausted I’m barely functioning––seriously. It has been an absolutely horrible few weeks all packed full with no sleep. I’m cranky, moody, and virtually on the point of a meltdown. And to just make matters worse, there was a time change this weekend which resulted in a loss of one more hour of sleep.

Any of you feel the same? What’s your culprit for lack of sleep? Mine is the kids. They’re both teething right now, my daughter with two-year molars and the baby with his first set of pearly whites. I wonder why kids can’t just get all their teeth at one time. It seems so much more logical from a parent’s point of view. One big painful event and then it would be over. Oh, well; that’s life I guess.

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Superfoods To The Rescue

The words “You are what you eat” always seem to pop into my head whenever I find myself indulging in one of my guilty food pleasures. Mostly it’s when I’m overtired or stressed that I reach for one of my favorite comfort foods. It’s like a “high” in the beginning with each spoonful of yummy goodness––almost as if it’s washing away all the cares of the world. However, by the end of my splurge, even though I’m overly full (stuffed!), I feel empty and unsatisfied. I’m in need of more, and yet feeling absolutely horrible that I ate such an unhealthy and not very nourishing food that I almost feel sick! Do you ever feel like that?

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Tortilla Soup


3 T. olive oil

2 lg. onions (diced)

2 t. garlic (minced or chopped)

1 t. jalapeno peppers (chopped)

1 1/2 T. chili powder

1 t. oregano

2 t. cumin

8 T. McKay’s Chicken-style Seasoning

8 c. water

24 corn tortillas (broken into small to medium pieces)

2 4.5-oz. cans green chilies (diced)

2 16-oz. cans pinto beans

4 c. tomatoes (canned, finely chopped, juice and all)

4 c. sweet corn (frozen)

3 T. lime jice

to taste salt Read more about Tortilla Soup


Myrrh boasts a long history in Indian medicine for the treatment of mouth ulcers, gingivitis, throat infections, inflammation of the mouth, and respiratory catarrh. It’s topically applied to ulcers and may be used as a mouthwash or gargle. In East Africa, it serves as an anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic agent.

High Trade Value

In ancient times, the Egyptians imported great quantities of myrrh from Palestine. Because of its unique aromatic fragrance, it was highly valued as a trade commodity. The Ishmaelite travelers who purchased Joseph from his mean-spirited brothers were journeying to Egypt with camels loaded with spices, balm, and myrrh (Genesis 37:25). It was believed that the Queen of Sheba brought great quantities of the herb and other spices from Yemen as gifts for King Solomon. The long-heralded “balm of Gilead” is a member of the myrrh family, known far and wide as a healing agent for wounds.
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Love, Sex, and a 30-Day Challenge

So, over the week of Valentines that I was away, my husband sent me an E-mail with an article attached regarding a 30-day sex challenge. Hmmm, not sure what he was hinting at. Anyways, when you talk about sex––no less a 30-day sex challenge––would you ever think a church would be the driving force behind it? No, I didn’t either; but it’s really true!

The Relevant Church in Tampa Bay Florida has done just this. It’s issued a 30-Day Sex Challenge to all its members. Unmarried members are to abstain from sex for thirty days, while married couples are to have sex every day for thirty days. Wow! I’m sure all you married guys out there are asking how do you get signed up? While most of you gals (like me) are thinking: you’ve got to be kidding me, right?

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The Flu. Coming To A Person Near You.

Well, it’s been one of those weeks for me. I’ve been running around like a dog chasing his tail, scrambling to find time for just about everything, including this blog! So, I’m sacrificing the gym tonight to write; don’t tell my trainer!

This past week found me on my annual Valentine’s road trip to my parents’ house with my kids. Just imagine little-old-me trapped for ten hours in the car braving the wilds of the highway with a toddler and baby in tow all alone with no help, Yikes!  It was an adventure to say the least, including crying and screaming and ten rounds of my daughter’s Christmas music CD that she begged to listen to. After this trip I’ve decided I might need therapy (ha-ha)!

Read more about The Flu. Coming To A Person Near You.

Its Your Health, Take Control

First of all, I want to wish all of you a Happy Valentine’s Day! So, perhaps this week you thought I would be writing about love and relationships; but it will have to wait, because I’ve just got some great news I can’t wait to share with you!

If you’ve been keeping up with my blogs, you know that I suffer from Type 1 diabetes. Then to add to it just a few short months ago I was also given the bad news that my cholesterol and LDL levels were elevated. It took me awhile to decide I didn’t want to wallow in self-pity, but I wanted to change my life and my health.

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Oh, My Aching Back

A major culprit is low back pain, and in my book it’s one of the worst things possible! My low back trouble began during my first pregnancy. It was no surprise that my back became weakened by the “heavy load” I was carrying around, and one little twist the wrong way would have me on the floor crying in pain.

Well, two years later and things still have not gotten any better. In fact, this weekend has found me on the couch with a bad backache. I made a wrong move in the wrong direction that greatly affected my back muscles. The first day wasn’t so bad; I just felt a little sore. But by the next morning I could hardly move––let alone stand up straight. So, I’ve been doing the normal routine (rest, apply heat, and take ibuprofen). Luckily, my husband has been kind enough to give me massages with the typical over-the-counter muscle rubs, which have brought some relief too.

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A Suicidal Mind

I guess by now most of you have heard the sad news from “Hollywood Hills.” Heath Ledger, an Australian actor whose rise to fame had just begun, died this past week at age 28. And although it’s not been ruled as a suicide, all evidence seems to be pointing in that direction––at least that’s what […]