Cloning America

There have been many days when I’ve wished I could clone myself. In my own thoughts I secretly desire to have a “twin mommy” to help me with the cooking, cleaning, and of course taking care of the kids. My “twin” could even maybe go to the gym for me (ha-ha)! It would be the perfect set up.

I think most of us would like to make a clone of ourselves for the pure advantage that we could double our time and efforts in this crazy, busy world. But have you ever thought about those with “incurable” diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and even Diabetes. What does cloning mean to us?

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Anger Management

Once again I’m horrified by what I’ve witnessed on the news. A father kills his four children by throwing them off a bridge after an argument with his wife. The children’s ages ranged from the oldest at three years old and the youngest only four months old. I’m so deeply saddened, and my heart goes out to their mother.

I just don’t understand. How does a father kill his own children? Helpless creatures that have just begun to live, so innocent. Just because we bring these children into the world doesn’t mean we have the right to play God.

I just can’t imagine what kind of fear those children must have felt to have the person they trusted to take care of them drop them off a bridge into murky waters below to drown. It’s absolutely sickening to the very core!

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Ha-Ha, He-He, Health

The healing power of humor and maintaining a merry heart have been around since ancient times. “A cheerful heart is good medicine,” proclaims Solomon in Proverbs 17:22. Even modern science agrees.

Stanford University psychiatrist Dr. William Fry, Jr., has done extensive research on the physiological benefits of laughter and has found that humor plays an active role in maintaining a healthy heart. “Humor acts to relieve fear,” Fry exclaims. “Excessive fearful thoughts, built-up anger, and tension put tremendous pressure on the heart. Yet, laughter readily relieves stress and promotes a positive perspective. This uplifted spirit breeds hope and leads to healing and well-being.”
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Is It The Battle of the Bulge?

Well, I have officially started my New Year’s Resolutions. In my quest to lose fifteen pounds this year and lower my cholesterol, I’ve renewed my gym membership and have started working out again. In fact, I actually joined a new gym, and for Christmas my husband got me three months with a personal trainer. Pretty nice gift!

So far it’s been tough, but well worth it. My trainer pushes me much harder than I’d ever push myself. Plus, he’s teaching me a totally different way to work out that I’ve never tried before.

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Red Bush Tea

The mild taste of Africa-grown rooibos—pronounced Roy-boss—(Aspalathus linearis) has made it a very popular ingredient in various herbal-tea blends. The name means “red bush;” a flowering shrub that grows in the Cedarberg mountain region in South Africa’s western cape, north of Cape Town.

Rooibos is an erect shrub that grows about five feet high. It sports reddish-brown stems and bright-green needlelike leaves. Since it’s a legume, the root contains nodules inhabited by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. This characteristic enables the plant to survive the nutrient-poor, acidic soils of the Cedarberg region.
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The Perfect Gift

It’s Christmas! The anticipation has been building, and we’ve finally made it to the Big Day! My daughter’s thrilled, to say the least. Every day she’s been asking me, “Is it Christmas Day yet? I wanna open Abby’s presents.” And every day I’ve had to tell her “No, not yet. You just have to wait […]

Laugh A Little

Laughter is the best medicine, or so the saying goes. What is it about laughing that makes us all feel so good? I mean think about it; don’t you just love a good belly laugh every now and again? You know one of those laughing fits where you’re rolling around holding your belly crying and begging for mercy. Those are the best kinds of laughs!

Even at Christmastime we refer to Santa Clause as “Jolly” Old Saint Nicholas. And for most of us the holiday season is filled with joy, laughter, and happy feelings. There’s so much that makes us happy at this moment in the year; Christmas parties, church functions, and gatherings with family and friends that brings a smile to even the grouchiest of scrooges.

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A Passion for Planet Earth

“So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground,” (Genesis 1:26-28, New Living Translation).
Hard to imagine that over thousands of years ago God gave this world to us to protect, to love and nurture, and call our home. So, what exactly happened? Did we forget our vow to nature? Did sin taint us so badly that we have forgotten how to be kind, considerate, and how to shield and shelter our earth? I think that somehow over time we’ve become lazy and taken for granted this wonderful earth that God entrusted to our care.
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