Imagine the postal carrier delivers a package to your home. Inside you find a beautiful crystal heart and a note. With excitement you open the card to see who sent this beautiful gift. Although the handwriting is impeccable, you have difficulty reading it. The card is signed “Love, Betty,” but you do not know who […]
Author: admin
Crock-Pot Creamy Potato and Wild Rice Soup
Wild rice is actually a misnomer, as it isn’t really rice at all, but the seed of a wild grass. Historically gathered by native people of North America, India, and China, this nutty, chewy delight can now be found on grocery shelves nearly everywhere. ó cup raw cashews, soaked ó cup wild rice 2 stalks […]
Is Your Food Putting You in a Bad Mood?
A hard day at the office, a rude comment, heavy traffic, everyday hassles—it can all put you in a bad mood. But those aren’t the only things affecting your attitude. What you eat can also affect your mood and your risk of depression. People often turn to food for comfort during difficult times, but certain […]
(Almost) Effortless Baked Pears
Baked pears make an elegant dessert with very little effort.
How the Internet Is Changing Your Brain
When Google was founded in 1998, it processed 10,000 search queries per day. It now processes, on average, over 40,000 search queries every second. That is 3.5 billion searches per day. And those numbers don’t include all the searches people complete using other search engines. With instant access to each other and a world of […]
When Should I Apologize?
Bill and his wife were high school sweethearts when he went off to college. They kept in touch by telephone but one day had a disagreement. Abruptly he announced, over the phone, that they were through. However, the breakup left him feeling so badly that a short time later he hitchhiked 300 miles back home […]
How Money Problems Become Health Problems
Research has found that the risk factors for financial trouble also serve as risk factors for physical health problems. It shouldn’t come as a surprise: If you’re always worried about money, it’s going to take a toll on your body, mind, and spirit.
Tiny Diet Tweaks That Make a Big Difference
Why not abandon extreme dieting and focus instead on small, incremental improvements to your routine—“tweaks” that improve health but don’t feel overwhelming?
How the Cleanliness (or Messiness) of Your Home Affects Your Mental, Spiritual, and Physical Health
In one 2010 study of 30 spousal couples, wives who described their homes as “unfinished” or “cluttered” reported more depressed moods and experienced shifts in levels of cortisol production, which have proven detrimental to long-term health.
The Truth About Vitamins
There are certain people who can’t get enough of particular vitamins and minerals from food who may genuinely benefit from supplements. But growing research suggests that many common supplements may not be providing clear benefits to the majority of people.