How climbing stairs can help boost your health.
Category: Exercise
Walk the Walk, an Infographic
Light Up Your Brain
10 Activities That Power Up Your Brain and Keep You Sharp Regularly putting your brain through its mental paces is a brilliant habit, no matter your age. Little things that you do on the daily can positively impact your brain health and, thus, influence your entire quality of life. Neuropsychologist Katherine Reiter, PhD, from Cleveland […]
5 Ways to Increase Energy
Ever wished you had more energy? Do you rely on caffeine to get you started in the morning, or struggle with fatigue more often than you’d like? If you wish you had more get-up-and-go, you’re not alone. One study found that more than half of working adults complain of fatigue during a typical week, and other […]
Three Roadblocks to Your Fitness Goals
ure, right now you may be busy with the holiday whirlwind, but New Year’s Day is right around the corner—and with it, New Year’s resolutions. The start of a new year is the perfect (and popular) time to set fitness and health goals—whether that’s eating better, exercising more often, or losing those extra pounds. But […]
10 Ways to Improve Your Christmas
No matter how healthy we are the rest of the year, the holidays tend to sabotage our good habits. Social events and travel plans distract us from normal exercise routines, and the food—oh, the food!—undermines the wholesome eating patterns we might normally encourage for our families. But not all hope is lost: With a little […]
Graphic Reveals Wonder of Walking
Walking is “the closest thing we have to a wonder drug,” according to Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s probably not news that walking for 30 minutes several times a week can help you maintain a healthy weight, build stronger muscles, and avoid heart attacks and strokes. But […]
Boredom Busters
15 Ways to Make Fitness More Fun
What’s the Right Exercise for Your Personality?
If you hate to exercise, it might be because you haven’t found the right activity for you. Grant Leitma, Ph.D., leads you through a series of simple questions to help you identity an exercise plan that matches your personality type. And just like that, you’ll know exactly what to do to make exercise a little more fun and a lot less dreadful.
Take the Quiz: Find the Right Exercise to Match Your Personality
If you hate to exercise, it might be because you haven’t found the right activity for you. Grant Leitma, Ph.D., leads you through a series of simple questions to help you identity an exercise plan that matches your personality type. And just like that, you’ll know exactly what to do to make exercise a little more fun and a lot less dreadful.