Being pregnant is no easy task. Trust me on this one; I’m living proof. And trying to have a “fit pregnancy” sometimes seems like an unachievable goal. You might be saying to yourself, “Exercise and watching my diet for the next nine months is not what I signed up for.” However, having a fit pregnancy is so much more than just exercising and eating healthfully. It’s also about having a “fit” spiritual, mental, and emotional experience when you’re pregnant.
This week I’m going to focus on the diet and exercise part of pregnancy. Let me share a little of my own story. When I got pregnant with our first child I already had a firmly established exercise routine. I think I have mentioned before that I’m a little of a gym junkie, at least that’s what my husband says. So I was going to the gym two hours every night, probably about four times a week. Seems like a lot, I know. My husband and I had been trying for a little over a year to get pregnant with no luck. Then finally that sweet day arrived; I was pregnant!