Water provides true refreshment for the thirsty, but most people don’t know that it also plays a vital role in all bodily processes. Unfortunately, most people don’t drink enough water, perhaps because they don’t realize just how important it is. The fact is, not drinking enough water affects every aspect of your body, right out to your skin.
Tag: Health
Protect Your Family From Antibiotic Resistance
Last year when Meredith started getting symptoms of a sinus infection, this 44-year-old teacher and busy mother of three opted to call her doctor’s office and describe the symptoms to the nurse instead of going in for an evaluation. After speaking with the doctor, the nurse called in a prescription for antibiotics to the local pharmacy. A few months later when Marilyn was preparing for the family’s vacation, she again called the nurse and asked for several refills of the antibiotic “in case she became ill.”
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Fight Cancer With Fiber
New research confirms what nutritionists have said for years–eating lots of high-fiber foods is a great way to protect your health. That might sound like an outrageous claim. But according to researchers conducting the biggest-ever study into the relationship between diet and cancer, it’s the truth. For 15 years the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) has examined the dietary habits of more than 400,000 people in nine European countries. EPIC researchers released preliminary results from their long-term cohort study at a nutrition conference last year in Lyons, France.
Tips for Strong and Healthy Nails
Everything that Dr. William W. Jih, medical director for Loma Linda University Family Medical Group, had to say about maintaining healthy fingernails didn’t fit in the magazine. Here’s the complete interview.
I’ve heard characteristic on fingernails can indicate health problems. Should ridges and brittleness worry me?
Nail changes may not be the window to the soul, but they certainly can give a glimpse into the potential health of a person. Elements of the human body that are constantly growing and regenerating–such as skin, hair, and nails–are very susceptible to major changes in the overall health of the human body. Just like rings in a tree trunk, nails can develop lines after a particularly stressful illness that inhibits the body’s resources to grow healthy nails. Auto-immune disorders or disease in which your immune system is affected can have nail manifestations. Additionally, vitamin and iron deficiency have been known to cause nail changes and brittleness. Although these changes can be a clue to systemic illness or deficiency, these changes may also be the result of external damage. Exposure to chemicals and common cleaning agents–and even prolonged exposure to water–can have a harsh effect on nails leading to crumbling, pitting, and development of lines in the nail.
Clean Inside Out
The Americas
Deep in the heart of the Amazon rain forest, medicine is an herbal-based art in which healing is interconnected with spiritual beliefs. It’s rooted in the dark shadows of shamanic customs in which the healing traditions are orally passed from shaman to apprentice. The herbs chosen are tailored to the individual person and their condition.
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Its Your Health, Take Control
First of all, I want to wish all of you a Happy Valentine’s Day! So, perhaps this week you thought I would be writing about love and relationships; but it will have to wait, because I’ve just got some great news I can’t wait to share with you!
If you’ve been keeping up with my blogs, you know that I suffer from Type 1 diabetes. Then to add to it just a few short months ago I was also given the bad news that my cholesterol and LDL levels were elevated. It took me awhile to decide I didn’t want to wallow in self-pity, but I wanted to change my life and my health.
Hi, I’m Karene. I’ll be your weekly blogger to discuss all kinds of issues regarding health and wellness. I’m really excited to share with you information and personal views on physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. I believe the only way we can change our lives is to be educated using the oldest and most recent information, so I hope I can bring that to you. By oldest I mean from the Bible. This and the most recent; the latest insights into modern health.
First, I want to tell you a little bit about myself. I’m a registered nurse with my background in labor and delivery and pediatrics. I’m married with one child and another one on the way. I’m also a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic, so my diet and all around physical health has become a major concern in my life. Right now the passions in my life are my family. I am a full time mommy, and taking care of my little girl is the joy of my days! My hobbies include hiking and scrap booking, even though these days I don’t have much time for either. My husband says I should add exercising to my list of hobbies since I am kind of a gym junky, ha ha!